Job Detail

  1. الصفحة الرئيسية
  2. Arabic
  3. Job detail

SquareUp Payment Processing Script In PHP

  • نوع الوظيفةنوع الوظيفة: Onsite
  • Job Durationأكثر من 06 شهرًا
  • Project Levelغالي
  • Project deadlineمنتهي الصلاحية
  • تونس

Project detail

I am looking for a script developed in PHP that will take a payment from a credit or debit card using SquareUp Payment Processing facilities. The end product will be a standalone script that will be further modified and integrated into one of our subscription payment forms later down the line.


The finished script will need to include the following default variables hardcoded at the top of the script and referenced where necessary for ease of updates;


Sandbox Application ID

Sandbox Access Token

Amount to Charge

Card Number


Expiry Date

wp-signup.phped Postcode


I will provide my Sandbox information to the winning bidder and payment will be released upon delivery of a script that successfully wp-signup.phps a sandbox payment in my SquareUp Console.

Industry Categories


Languages required

Project Completion deadline

January 31, 2021