Company Detail

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About “Nour Ben Ali”

Hello! I’m Nour and I am a graphic designer from Nabeul in Tunisia , but currently live in Tunis. I majored in graphic design and have a degree from Ringling College of Art and Design. Through this platform, I have continued to express myself to the fullest using nods from the past and incorporating it into a new look. My favorite things are coffee, thrifting with friends, watching fashion and beauty videos on vogue, and exploring around to…

Posted projects

  • Project costCoût 300 TND - 500 TND

Hi, we have a current live chatbot and would like someone to improve the chat flow. We use the Zoho live chat system We are…

  • Project costCoût 200 TND - 400 TND

I require a freelancer to perform a full site security check against hackers and report back any vulnerabilities including any user data that may be…

  • Project costCoût 700 TND - 1,000 TND

I have terminated the project with a developer team and seek a developer or developers who will take it from there (NOT BEGIN FROM SCRATCH!).…