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  • 10 TND - 40 TND / hr
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i’m  creative graphic designer master photoshop/illustrator/indesign/aftereffect lets succeed together and be more creative i wish my services could help u all   

  • 1 TND - 1 TND / hr
  • Tunisia
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يمكنني مساعدتك في انشاء عرض مميز لافكارك او منتوجاتك او مشروع نهاية الدراسة بواسطة البوربوينت باسلوب واضح ومتقدم في طريقة العرض من خلال اختيار الالوان…

developer Full-Stack
  • 50 TND - 500 TND / hr
  • Tunisia
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Titulaire d’un License de développement des systèmes d’information. Mon parcours, complété par ma passion pour internet et l’informatique, m’a permis d’acquérir les connaissances techniques et…

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I’m a senior graphic designer with over 7 years of experience. I have a Master’s degree in Design and Applied Arts. I specialize in print…

  • 10 TND - 30 TND / hr
  • Tunisia
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if anyone needs any help with ideas for marketing like publicity for coffee or perfume anything, I will give you the best idea for publicity…

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My name is Ghada mahjoub, I am 26 years old, I am Tunisian from Sousse., I have a basic license in management informatics from the…

full stack developer
  • 15 TND - 30 TND / hr
  • Tunisia
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My goal is to create and maintain websites and applications perfectly functional as tools to achieve the mission and vision of the Client.